Business Services

Optimize Your Business Phone Calls for Better Conversions



Online advertising success goes beyond your website. Many still prefer talking when researching or buying. Using call assets and ads, connect with these consumers to offer the best experience when they need it. Set up a call strategy and aim to increase calls. Customers call more for small businesses they plan to buy from. Up to 50% of calls can lead to a sale, much more than web clicks. Over 70% of mobile searchers choose Google’s click-to-call to reach out directly. Click-to-call is also much better, with 400% higher rates than online sales conversions.

Key Takeaways

  • Phone calls to businesses are doubling, thanks to more mobile searches and ad clicks by 2013.
  • 61% of mobile searches and 52% of mobile ads result in a call. This shows how much mobile activities lead to phone interactions.
  • Inbound phone calls have better conversion chances than web leads, pointing to phones’ strong role in business growth.
  • 61% of businesses find inbound phone calls to be top leads, while only 52% say the same for web leads.
  • Call conversion rates can surpass those of websites, showing calls are very effective at turning interest into sales.

Understand Conversion Types Across Campaigns

Knowing the types of conversions your keywords and campaigns bring is crucial. The conversions trends guide your strategy. Ads and campaigns focused on calls may need a different approach. It’s wise to check which campaigns and ad groups win on call conversions. Once you spot these, work harder on them if phone calls are key for you.

Review Campaign Performance by Conversion Type

It’s key to regularly assess how your campaigns do with different conversion types. Focus on those that excel in call conversions if calls are important to you. This way, you can fine-tune your efforts where they matter most.

Segment Call Campaigns for Better Targeting

Try tying Remarketing Lists for Search Ads or Customer Match into your call ads. For instance, send users to talk with a top salesperson if they showed shopping interest. This can greatly boost your targeting precision.

Utilize Remarketing and Customer Match

Add Remarketing Lists for Search Ads or Customer Match to your call-focused campaigns as well. Redirecting potential buyers to top salespeople is a powerful strategy. It ensures you’re making the most of every opportunity.Conversion TypeDescriptionTracking MethodCalls from AdsConversion occurs when a call meets a minimum length set by the advertiser.Calls to Website NumberConversion happens when a click on the ad leads to a call to the displayed forwarding number.Clicks on Mobile NumberConversion tracks clicks leading to calls on the mobile version of the website.Clicks on Call AdsConversion is based on Google’s estimation of a meaningful call post-ad click.Imported Call ConversionsTracking calls as conversions from another system like CRM and importing to Google Ads.

Bid Based on Call Value

To figure out the best bids for your call ads, you need to know their worth. Your aim is to get more calls that cost less but bring in profits. Start by checking in with your call teams. Also, look at the sales from these calls. See what the usual success rates and order values are. It’s key to think about how much your call customers add to your business over their lifetime.

Analyze Call Conversion Data and Sales

See which sales or leads came from calls in Google Ads. Knowing this, you can understand the true value of each call. Then, you can adjust your bidding strategy to make the most of it.

Utilize Call Bid Adjustments

By adjusting your call bids, you can get more calls through your search ads. This is without needing to bid higher for clicks to your site. It’s a way to increase your important calls without spending too much on website clicks that might not turn into sales.

Leverage Smart Bidding Strategies

To finely tune your bids for the calls, use call campaigns. Here, you bid directly on calls. Your ads will only appear on devices that can make calls. Google Ads’ Smart Bidding can also be automated to get more calls. It makes sure you spend your budget wisely to bring in more quality calls for your business.

Optimize Website for Call Conversions

If you want to offer an excellent customer experience, optimize your site, especially on mobiles. Mobile users are likely to call businesses they find online within a day. This is why your site must load fast, be easy to use, and look great on mobiles. Google found that almost 9 in 10 people who look up local businesses on a phone end up calling or visiting them soon after.

Add Accessible Call Buttons

Adding call buttons can really boost the number of calls you get. It makes it easy for mobile visitors to quickly start a call. By setting up a click-to-call option, you’re making it a cinch for people to reach out via phone. This boosts your chances of getting more calls.

Make Numbers Clickable on Mobile

Make sure your phone number is clickable on mobile. This lets smartphone users easily call you with a tap. Also, always keep your number visible at the top of your pages. If it’s hard to find, visitors can’t call you easily.

Highlight Number Prominently on Desktop

On desktop, ensure your number stands out. Don’t make it an image, so it can be copy-pasted easily. A clear call-to-action will also encourage more people to dial your number. It tells them why they should call and what to do next.

If you optimize for calls, you might see fewer website form fills. But, the calls you do get could be of higher quality. Phone calls are the top choice for contacting businesses. Only a quarter of people prefer online forms. So, optimizing for calls is key. Also, almost 7 out of 10 folks won’t spend more than 2 mins looking for your phone number. This means your contact info must be easy to find on your site.

Deliver Exceptional Call Experiences

Creating personal and relevant experiences boosts how many people buy from you and keeps them around. Let your customers easily switch between ways to reach you to show you’re always available.

Facilitate Omnichannel Transitions

Make your call center perfect for your top customers by designing a unique way to send calls. This method can be based on how they found you through searches. Listen closely and respond appropriately. The conversation starts when you answer, but what you say next is crucial.

Optimize Call Routing for Search Ads

Every day, more than 15 million people trust Webex Calling for clear connections. Webex Calling, powered by Tata Communications, provides top-notch service using Tata’s worldwide network and local expertise.

Utilize Contextual Signals for Personalization

93% of Webex Contact Center users said they understood customer needs better with quick summaries. Customers expect faster help thanks to an AI’s quick insights, noticing a 3 times speed boost in recommendations. Also, 80% of Webex users saved time on everyday tasks like notes and messages with an AI’s help. A survey showed how valuable this time savings is, attributed to the power of the AI Assistant. Cisco’s Webex AI Assistant stands out with key features like customized alerts and translation, freeing up time for important work.

business phone calls

Many companies focus heavily on digital marketing but forget about phone calls. Even online businesses should use traditional ways to communicate. This includes talking to potential customers on the phone. Phone calls can lead to more sales than just being online. With the right approach, a company can get more people to call them. And they can make every call a great experience.

OpenPhone is trusted by more than 40,000 businesses. It has a 4.7-star rating from over 1,700 users. Plus, it’s the top choice in customer satisfaction on G2, a well-known software review site. This shows how important phone calls are for business success.

But, there are rules about recording calls that companies must follow. Wells Fargo & Company had to pay over $7 million in fines for not telling people they were recording calls. Houzz, Inc. also got in trouble for recording calls without everyone knowing. To avoid getting into legal trouble, businesses must follow the rules of the states they operate in. Knowing these rules is key to staying out of court.

Understanding the role of phone calls in growing a business is essential. So is following the law about recording calls. This way, companies can make better use of phone calls in their marketing. This leads to more sales and happy customers.

Implement Click-to-Call Campaigns

Starting a click-to-call campaign is a breeze. Just go through the steps in Google’s support notes to make a click-to-call landing page. Remember, calls from these ads are seen only on phones that can call, making them great for mobile users.

Set Up Click-to-Call Landing Pages

For WordPress sites, adding a click-to-call feature is simple. Use the WP Call Button plugin. It works smoothly with many business phone services worldwide. Plus, it plays nicely with other popular tools like OptinMonster, WPForms, Elementor, and WooCommerce. This means your phone number can be part of various ads and campaigns, boosting your visibility on search pages.

Use WordPress Plugins for Click-to-Call Buttons

The WP Call Button plugin lets you make eye-catching click-to-call buttons fast. By standard, costs for clicks and calls from your ads are the same. This means more calls can count as successful conversions for your business.

Prominently Display Phone Number

Make finding your phone number easy. Put it at the top on every page. This makes user experience better (UX) and helps SEO. Plus, it boosts where you show up in search results. If that’s not possible, add a call-to-action button. It includes a link to call your number. Visitors can quickly reach you by clicking a button, saving them from typing the number. If your design can’t fit the number at the top, place it in the page’s footer instead.

Include Number in Lead Magnets

Using lead magnets on a website is a smart move. It’s a great time to share your phone number. When people download your offers, they’re eager to read them. This means they might see your number inside and decide to call. It’s a way to turn their interest into a potential sale or a phone call from them.

There are many types of lead magnets, like ebooks and checklists. When making one, choose a catchy title. Use words that make people want to act. Make it easy to understand and attractive with pictures or graphics. Clearly tell readers how they’ll benefit from the offer. And, your download buttons should be clear and exciting, like “Download Now!”

Remember, many browse on their phones, so ensure your offer works well on them. This way, you reach more people. Spread the word about your offer everywhere you can. This includes your site, social media, emails, and ads. Always check how well your magnet is doing. Use data and testing to make it even better.

Leverage Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-intent popups are a smart way to catch a visitor’s eye as they’re about to leave your site. Placing your phone number there gives you a shot at getting a call. Adding a click-to-call button lets visitors easily reach out to ask questions.

You can set popups to show only during your open hours. This helps visitors know you’re ready to help. For after-hours leads, have another popup ready for them to leave a message.

Display Click-to-Call Buttons

Make the popup personal by using the visitor’s first name. This friendly touch can make visitors more willing to engage. Exit-intent popups work well to keep visitors from leaving for good. They give you a chance to reel them back in before they go.

Personalize Popups for Past Visitors

Customizing exit-intent popups with personal details makes them more effective. It nudges visitors towards the action you want, like placing a call. Popups that offer a click-to-call option and are personalized can do wonders. They increase the chances of the visitor converting into a lead before exiting your site.

Utilize Compelling Copywriting

Great copy can persuade site visitors to act. It should speak directly to their needs and desires. Use words that stir emotions, like trust or curiosity, to draw them in.

Creating a sense of urgency works well. Distinct, limited-time offers can create a fear of missing out. This fear motivates visitors to act quickly, especially if fear is used cleverly.

Target Customer Pain Points and Desires

Create copy that addresses what the customer needs and desires. This involves knowing what will prompt them to act. Such knowledge comes from thorough research.

Acknowledge and handle objections early to build trust. Overcoming these objections can increase brand credibility. It may also boost conversion rates.

Piquing a customer’s curiosity often leads to action. Humans are naturally curious and like to try new things. Use this to encourage them to explore further.

Create Sense of Urgency with Limited Offers

Limited-time offers increase urgency. They cause people to fear they might miss out. Balancing this to avoid panic is key.

CTAs need to be both urgent and appealing. Offering free items or discounts can seem like a gift. This approach enhances the CTA’s impact.

It’s critical to show the unique advantage of a CTA in B2B copywriting. Highlight the value it brings. This can make the CTA stand out more effectively.

Integrate Call Tracking and Analytics

Using call tracking and analytics can teach you a lot. They help you make your business phone calls better and boost your sales. Tools like Google Analytics show how people use your website. When you add call data, you get a bigger view of the customer journey.

Connect Digital and Inbound Call Data

By linking call tracking tools with your analytics, you join online and offline worlds. This understanding makes your customer service more personal. Doing this can increase your sales by 25 to 30%. Call tracking tells you where calls come from. It helps with digital marketing budgets and provides in-depth metrics like call duration and times.

Utilize Business Phone Systems and VoIP

For better call management, get a strong business phone system or VoIP. These options come with features like call routing and speech analysis. They make customer interactions smoother and reveal more insights. Most customers like to call businesses, showing how crucial this is. Adding analytics to your phone system lets you use facts to improve sales and service.


Digital ways to talk are popular, but phone calls still work well for business. This article shows how to make more calls from your website. It also talks about making the calls great so more people buy from you. Make your website better for making calls. Use strong words and popups to encourage people to call. These steps will help your marketing work better. Good advertising is more than a nice website. It’s about talking to your customers the way they like, which includes calling them on the phone. The International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) have tips to help you talk better and make your business calls better.

For a good ending in business talk, remember to: look back at important points, speak to your audience, suggest what to do next, and remind them why you talked in the first place. Talking about the purpose again makes your message stronger and thanks your audience. Letting them say the final thing can make them feel more in charge, which is good for your relationship with them.


What is the importance of incorporating phone calls into an overall marketing strategy?

Phone calls are key for businesses, often leading to higher sales than online. By using smart methods, companies can increase call numbers from their website. They can also make sure calls go well, turning more callers into customers.

How can businesses review their campaign performance and segment call campaigns for better targeting?

Companies need to check which ads get the most calls often. This lets them focus more on what works. Using tools like Remarketing Lists or Customer Match can also make their ads target the right people better.

How can businesses determine the appropriate bids for their call ads?

To know how much to bid, businesses must see what a call is worth. They should look at how many calls turn into sales. Adjusting bids can make their ads more visible. They can use advanced bidding techniques to get even better results.

What are some strategies for optimizing a website to receive and track calls?

Businesses need a visible and clickable phone number, especially on mobile. They should also place it clearly on their site. Adding call buttons to every page can encourage more calls. This way, they can keep track of their call responses.

How can businesses deliver exceptional call experiences for their customers?

For better customer experiences, companies should smoothly link all communication. They must route calls well, especially from ads. Personalized services, based on what the customer needs, show commitment.

What are the steps to set up a click-to-call campaign?

Follow Google’s guide to make a click-to-call page. For WordPress sites, plugins like WP Call Button make adding ca

How can businesses prominently display their phone number on their website?

Place the phone number at the top of every webpage. Make it clickable or add a button for calling. This improves the visitor’s experience and makes contacting the company easy.

How can businesses leverage lead magnets to generate more calls?

Include your number in lead magnets like free downloads. This way, when visitors are enticed to call, they already have the number.

How can exit-intent popups be used to capture call conversions?

Add your number to these popups with a click-to-call feature. Personalizing the message can make visitors more likely to call.

What are some best practices for using compelling copywriting to drive call conversions?

Copy should address customer needs using power words. It should also create urgency with limited-time offers. This encourages immediate calls.

How can businesses integrate call tracking and analytics to optimize their call campaigns?

Using Google Analytics with call tracking lets businesses see the big picture. This way, they can offer tailored services and improve their overall call-handling process.


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