
How to get tight abdominal muscles



How to get tight abdominal muscles

Many people seek to get tight and visible abdominal muscles, so that the appearance of the body with prominent abdominal muscles has become something that both men and women want to have, many promotional advertisements draw people interested in this to focus on a certain type of exercise or eating a certain type of food Or nutritional supplements that increase muscle growth without noting that the process of building muscle in the body requires many stages and many steps that cannot be divided, focusing on some of them and neglecting others.

How do the abdominal muscles appear?

Abdominal muscles are a feature of beauty in men, and the wrong daily methods and random diet, hide these muscles and pose obstacles to showing them, and to get prominent abdominal muscles and a tight stomach in a short time, a set of diets and daily exercises must be followed.

Show your abdominal muscles

Not to eat a lot of items rich in white starches, such as pasta and white bread, and brown rice and black bread can be eaten instead, as these two foods provide the body with the necessary energy.

avoiding processed sugars; Because these sugars are very rich in calories, and you can replace them with fruits.

You have to eat large amounts of protein; Because protein is one of the important and necessary elements in building muscle, and natural protein is abundant in meat, eggs, milk and its derivatives, and you should beware of using extracted proteins; Because it negatively affects the body.

Make sure to eat breakfast early, as late breakfast stimulates cells to keep calories, and thus the percentage of fat burning decreases, and obesity appears.

It is better and better to eat five meals a day instead of a third of fatty meals, taking care to eat a meal rich in vegetables; Because vegetables contain fiber that takes a long time to digest, it is necessary that at least two meals contain protein.

More than drinking water, water helps improve metabolism within the body.

Do not drink soda water and artificially sweetened juices; Because it contains high levels of sugars.

Do exercises for all parts of the abdomen, exercises for the sides and stomach, as well as exercises for the pelvis.

Include exercises, and you should start with warm-up exercises, to protect yourself from injury from muscle strain.

You must continue to exercise in order to maintain the satisfactory result, and you must be patient and persevere in exercising on a daily basis, as the results can begin to appear a month after the start of the exercises.

Be sure to do exercises that move all the muscles of the body, and tighten them in order to have a harmonious and attractive body. Among the exercises that move all the muscles of the body are swimming, push-ups, as well as cycling.

Every week or two you should change your exercise regimen, as well as your diet, to ensure that your body responds effectively to diet and exercise.

Smoking must be quit; Because smoking is an obstacle to the metabolism process, and thus contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body.

Abdominal muscles for girls

The majority of teenage girls pay great attention to their fitness, so they strive to get a tight muscular body, especially the abdominal muscles. This is achieved by practicing exercises that help burn the accumulated fat in the abdomen and work to tighten its muscles.

When do abdominal muscles appear for women?

There are different types of exercises to highlight the abdominal muscles for girls, and all of them aim to tighten the abdominal muscles and burn the fat stored in that area.

squash exercise

Put your hands crossed on your chest, and lift your upper body smoothly, starting from the shoulder and working your way to your lower back off the floor. Sit down and pause when you reach the top during the movement, then get down again, and repeat the exercise. Make sure you don’t make jerky movements or twitches, and don’t lift your neck. The load should be on the abdominal muscles, not the neck. Keep the back straight and never bend it during this exercise.

Leg lift exercise
Leg lift exercise works the lower abdominal muscles

lie on the ground; Straighten your legs, bringing your heels together. Keep the legs straight. Then, slowly and smoothly raise them to a vertical position. Gently lower your legs to the floor, and repeat the movement again. Do not spread your legs or bend your knees, during the exercise. Modify the exercise by bringing your knees to your chest. To increase the challenge, try holding a medicine ball or a small weight between your legs while performing this exercise.

Crushing wheel exercise
This exercise works the muscles and tightens them

Lie on your back and bend your knees, making sure to keep your feet flat on the floor. Place the palms of your hands under your head, keeping your elbows bent. Lift your right knee toward your chest. Once you have raised your knees, gently lift and twist your upper body so that your right knee is touching your left elbow. Slowly lower your upper body, and your right knee at the same time, then raise your left knee and touch it with your right elbow. Repeat this movement, alternating between the knees and elbows.

neck exercise
Neck exercise to tighten the deep abdominal muscles

Sit straight, and lean your back slightly. Put your hands behind your ears, bend your knees, and raise your legs at a 45-degree angle. Then, draw a circle in the air with your legs, reverse direction, and draw the circle in the opposite direction, as if you were riding a bicycle. Repeat this exercise twenty times, in each direction.

scissors exercise
Scissors exercise to tighten the side abdominal muscles, and highlight them

Lie on the right side, and raise your left leg up ten times, trying to touch your foot with your left hand. Repeat with the right leg and right hand, after lying on the left side. Thus, you tighten the legs, buttocks and the side abdominal muscles.

How to get

Strengthening the abdominal muscles for women, a desired goal, but it is not easy. It is true that the muscles of men and women do not differ greatly, but in women they are wider in the pelvic area, and the waist is longer, which makes it difficult to obtain flat abdominal muscles. But accentuating your abs isn’t impossible – you just need to commit to doing more of your regular stomach exercises.

Abdominal strengthening exercises for women target four main muscle groups:
• Lateral abdominal exercises (oblique) that move the lateral muscles under the arms, along the rib cage.
• Internal abdominal exercises that move the skeletal muscles that are located under the external muscles.
• The transversus abdominis muscle, which is the deepest muscle, and it wraps horizontally around the middle part of the body.
• The rectus abdominis muscle that extends from the sternum to the pelvis, and helps bend the spine while walking. It is also the most visible abdominal muscle.

Abdominal exercises at home

1- wooden board
One of the best exercises you can do is the plank, as it strengthens the abdominal muscles and supports the spine.

Get down on the floor in a push-up position, forming a straight line through your body from the shoulders to the ankles. Stay in this position for a minute. At first you are only able to hold the position for 8-10 seconds.

Do not worry about yourself, this increases as you continue to do this, repeat the same exercise five six times.

2- side board
This exercise helps reduce stress on the spine and thus helps prevent back problems. It also strengthens the abdominal and back muscles and can be practiced at any time.

Extend your legs and lie on your right side so that your feet and kicks are on the floor on top of each other. Place the right elbow under your shoulder, hold the position for a few seconds and return to the normal position.

3- Sit and get up
This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

You can put your arms behind your head, lie down and keep your lower body, move your upper body toward your knees, and take a deep breath and exhale as you go up.

Make sure your arms are not squeezing the head and neck too much. You are supposed to use your abdominal muscles to move up and down. Try this exercise 10-15 times.

4- crunches
Crunches are the fastest way to burn belly fat and can be done easily at home without the need for any equipment. This exercise builds endurance and strength in your abdominal muscles.

Lie on the floor, put your hand behind your head, then bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor

5- Balance Warrior
Stand on your left foot and raise your right knee, then raise your hip in front of your body.

Keeping your standing foot slightly bent so that your torso is parallel to the floor, extend your arms to help with balance, stand for a second, then reverse the movement, and don’t forget to do both sides.

How many abdominal muscles do you need to appear?

What is the percentage of body fat?
Body fat percentage is total fat mass divided by total body mass, multiplied by 100. Including primary body fat and stored fat.

Since we mentioned the types of fats, I don’t think you would be satisfied without explaining them as well. There are two different types of fat: essential body fat and stored fat.

Essential fats are needed to maintain your life, reproductive functions, organs and joints, and to keep you warm as well. The other type is called stored fat, and from its name it becomes clear that its role is to store energy in the form of adipose tissue, which is the fat that people see in their body.

What is the percentage of fat for the appearance of abdominal muscles?
For men, if you are between 6% and 17% body fat, your abdominal muscles should be significantly more visible. For women, it ranges from 14% to 24% of body fat.

The fastest way to show abdominal muscles

At first, attention should be paid to the quality of the daily habits followed, as irregular sleep, lack of movement and types of food intake are the first and most important factor in the lack of success of exercises and giving the desired effect, foods rich in salt help to store water in the body, and thus increase the period required for the appearance of muscles Tightly, also foods that contain saturated fats, such as fried or fast meals in general, are very harmful to the body. Therefore, you must commit to reducing salty foods, sugars, and saturated fats, and replacing that with fruits, Vegetables, unsaturated fats, and lean meats.

There are two main simultaneous stages that must be done in order to show the abdominal muscles, namely: burning fat, and tightening the abdominal muscles with exercises. Without burning fat, the details of the abdominal muscles will not appear no matter how strong, and the abdominal muscle will not be detailed and tight if it is not exercised, as the abdomen will be flat and smooth, so the two stages are important and neither of them can be dispensed with.

Burn fat

In order to burn more fat, calories must be burned through sports exercises such as jogging and swimming, and they must be prolonged when exercising. To make it more difficult, the effort should be continuous for long periods.

Tighten the abdominal muscles with exercises

As for exercises to tighten the abdominal muscles, there are several types of exercises that must be practiced for at least a month to get the best result in record time. It should be noted that abdominal exercises alone are not enough, and may cause muscle damage; Because of its fatigue if it is practiced daily, so the exercises should be a complete system to tighten the muscles of the body, while maintaining a lot of drinking water with at least two liters of water per day, in addition to what the body gets from water in foods and other drinks, and being careful To stay away from smoking and drinking soft or alcoholic drinks, and it is preferable to eat a lot of foods that contain protein in high proportions, such as chicken, eggs, and fish, as protein is the nutrient responsible for building muscle in the body.


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